We belong in the world
I took a little quiz, just for fun..and in the results I was a "warrior soul".
Now, of course I liked the sound of that. It sounds nice for sure.
But then I started thinking about warriors.
And people usually assume that a warrior is called that way because of all the successes he has achieved by fighting.
But I think a warrior gets that name, because he fights, he dares to act for what he feels.
And not the winning makes him warrior but the effort of trying to win, trying to move forward.
If only we would all be warriors:) If only we wouldn't be so afraid to try to succeed.
I like watching movies. Perhaps a little too much.
Maybe just because it's entertaining, but maybe also because I can learn from the mistakes of others or how to handle different situations.
But people watch movies because there they can see a life they would like to have, but won't or a love they would like to feel but they can't or feel that's impossible to happen with them.
I agree that the media sometimes shows us the unreachable or movies which aren't realistic at all.
But what people aspire to, usually it's reachable, the problem is that we don't act as in the movies.
Girls watch romantic comedies, cause they want that happy ending or love or guy or whatever.
They say "oh I wish this could be..", but what they don't see is that the guy or girl in the movie usually takes a step, even if she's scared she makes a move, takes the risk and tries. She's a warrior with the chance of failing or succeeding .
This is what in life people don't do. They're scared and comfortable so "oh, no way, I couldn't do that."
But why? Don't we all have one life? Do we wish our lives to be boring and predictable because we're not taking enough chances?
Or we're used to do the routine things, why to change it when it could be worse after?
But what if it could be better? I'm not saying to take decisions without thinking and then say: "See, it didn't work." But we're responsible for our acts and our acts defines our lives.
But living a boring life...I don't agree that being healthy.

Talking about the media, it can be really tricky.
for example the porn industry.
I'm not gonna start arguing if girls watch it or don't, I don't know and I don't care, but what I know is that many effects aren't even realistic, made on computers, background noises and who knows what else. But people think that's what they should get, cause they see it on TV. They start to have unrealistic expectations.
I might be wrong, but as I see it..
Guys get curious, but they know that the wife or girlfriend..well sometimes she doesn't even have a clue about these men fantasies. (and guys told me that it's better not to know what they fantasize about cause we girls could get really shocked... )
So they go to strip clubs, where the girl isn't a mother or a woman with a normal job, but a young stripper who dedicates her life pleasing men in freaky ways even.. :|
So of course it's not hard to give the man what the wife can't. Firstly I hate those men, who can get so easily tricked and don't have the respect for their women.
It's not that nobody cheated in the past, but at least men felt bad about doing it, but nowadays they don't even care. and that's the sad part of it.
A psychological review says that men cheat for two reasons: firstly, what's the most logical, that the life partner of wife can't satisfy him. And secondly because sometime in their young years they wanted to accomplish something and they couldn't or they didn't have the guts.. Like pursuing a career or you choose. Sometimes in the later years these repressed feelings get accumulated and they get a little comforting by cheating, because they can't find their place in the world and a younger chick with less life experience looks up to a man that isn't accomplished in life. Easy way out! ;)
So that's another thing why it's good to do what you mostly want in life...
I like to look at the good things in life:)
Like life..it's something so amazing :D
Women are able to give birth to a new life.. we can "create" a new person, and all the things people created and found during time..
The wonders of the world..we have so many things to still explore, to feel, to see..
I have no idea how some people can get bored..when the world is so big and so interesting.
even if you have everything you desire, wouldn't you be interested like..in the 7 wonder's of the world?
Those are considered to be the most remarkable man-made creations of classical antiquity.
The number 7 representing the perfection and plenty. :)

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