Amazing idiots & wonderful friends!
People! Grow up! Seriously!
I went out with a friend tonight, who I know very well, we go waaaay back.
Never thought I'd say how much I love his mature approach to life, although he was one of the most childish, - never thinking of the consequences- kind of guy, but living alone changed and matured him. I'm happy for him managing to grow into a young man.
And we agreed on many things. That we are soo young yet and we live crazy and parties and so on..but at least my friend knows what mean to be crazy and what means to be serious when the situation expects it.
So pllsss stop being so stupid, childish!
Here in my little city, people tend to have this really narrow way of thinking.
The more you travel the more open you become to things, actions, feelings.
This is very well demonstrated when they meet a new person and they start to categorize her/him or judge, and they think they are right without any doubt.
Give a little credit to change, because even if 99,9 % of the people of that possible "type" were idiots, this one could be totally different. And one person can make a big difference!
It takes One person to make you feel different, to make you feel special. and that is what we're all looking for.
Accept that not eveything has to be bad.
Stop watching what the other is doing and start living your own life.
And if you care soo much about what people say, then instead of following a path, make a new one, your own. And people will respect you for who you are.
I have my people and I adore them, cause they love me for who I am and I love each of them for their individuality: my family members, girl friends, guy friends, boyfriend, in case.
But it's becoming really sad to meet so many idiots just by walking on the street or driving or trying to communicate in a store for e.g.
I'd feel sorry for myself if I wouldn't want my own health..mentally and physically, if I wouldn't want to grow into a better person each day.
Stop complaining about life, you won't change it with that, live it! That's a good starting point.

1 Response
  1. Isti Says:

    Köszi a bókot nagyon jól jött!!!

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