Blonde moments!

I started writing this blog, because there are many things I find unfair in the world. And the only thing I could do about it was to share my thoughts with the world. We live in the era of "freedom of speech", luckily no one will shoot or kill me if I say things, that the media hates and others, who DO want to help people get to know more..well information sells the best, so they write it in books and sell it for money.
So..I already wrote about judgements and first impressions.. but there are still things that bug me....
...Like blondes :P
I never liked blond, but I became one. I'm talking now strictly about the hair color..I hated blond. My natural color is red.
When I was a teenager, a hairdresser put some blond to lighten up my hair color. That very day as I came out of the beauty salon, men were like..drawn to me, smiling, complementing..
I didn't really understand it, but I knew it had to do something with the color, cause the rest it was me as always.
Dark hair doesn't fit me, I look like an 80 year old, so I remained blond.
Tonight I was talking to a very dear friend. About girls, men, blondes.
The conversation become interesting, when I actually heard from another person what I was thinking all along.

As my friend said (and I totally agree with him) there are 3 types of beautiful women:
  • Ones, that are beautiful and they realize it, they take advantage of it. Men with big, fancy cars notice them, cause they stand out, they have money and the girls have no morals and they like to shine. So they become almost female escorts.
  • The other kind is the happy one. They find a nice guy with a healthy self-esteem and they live happily. But that's the rarest.
  • And the third kind in a big percentage, are the lonely ones. They look good, they are nice people, intelligent, they have what a man would desire, possibly in every way. man wants them...why?! Some of them become depressed, anorexics, because they believe there must be something wrong with them. Some become the first class, the escort type, because they will eventually believe men want them only for their bodies. But the truth is men are scared of women who have it all, or more than others. They usually like blondes when they see one on the street, the image is nice for the eyes, but they wouldn't date one. well..most men. There are always exceptions. I like the large scale on which blondes are judged: some blondes look very innocent, pure..the light skin, blue eyes...makes a man want to protect her. Some blondes with curly hair, nice figure and a bit of a seducing look.."that's a bitch!" Period!
But the truth about women, despite of her hair color, is that you can never know, who you're dealing with.
I also noticed men looking at hot chicks as a one night stand, when they look for something serious they look for the innocent looking girls.
But looks can be so disappointing. My 10 fingers wouldn't be enough to count the cases that only I know about of the following: nice guy wants a innocent, cute chick..oh she'll be perfect. They have a relationship..and in some cases it;'s ok, but sooo many men fall for this thing, that the cute little angel is actually a devil. And she breaks his heart so badly, that he just doesn't want to love again, women are baaad.
They think..if that little angel could do this to him, what could others?!
When it's soo not like that.
We have to admit to ourselves that feelings change as well as people change. Maybe that girl you loved, changed or never was who you thought she was.
My point of all this is, that never judge a book by its cover and never judge a lady by his lover.
We people are so different and it's not good to judge until you are not certain something's worth it. In my years I found one way of living that's worth it: that is happy and free.
Be yourself, do enough so that you can be proud of who you've become, to be proud of the person you can still grow into, to start over, there are always second chances!
So if you are sure, that you have done enough to be worthy, you treated the people close to you the way you wanted them to treat you, you can live shining and need to be those other two kind of girls. :)
So to all proud of who you are, the things you wear, cause it's part of your personality! And if the man doesn't appreciate you, it's his loss.
So when he says "I don't want you!!" think twice, cause someone else says: "what an opportunity!"

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