
Today I went shopping. I looked at people and they are sad..so sad.
In the hypermarket I saw ONE ..only one woman was smiling, while I was standing to pay and observing.
How sad is that?! They say something is wrong with me, cause I like to smile and be positive all the time..:)
But I think that's the way it should be. yes, life is not fair..
There was a big news on TV..in one of the neighbour countries a schizophrenic killed a 19 year old boy, studying to become a pharmacist. He had access to a gun, he actually had permission to use a gun.
Now, for those who don't know schizophrenia is a mental disorder, characterized by (depending on the stage of the disease) in frequent hallucinations, paranoia, delusion, social and occupational dysfunction. Which means the person has from time to time certain "crisis" in which his mind doesn't let him control his own actions, he doesn't know what he's doing.
These people are a threat to society. You can control the abnormal behavior by certain medicines, but you can't cure it, with time it becomes worse.
This is what happened..the guy was ill, he had a gun, something upset him during class, he went to the bathroom, charged his gun, went inside and started shooting.
He shot his teacher and a young 19 year old boy and also hurt another person. The boy died.
And it's a very big chance that he doesn't even get punished, because the truth is, he wasn't responsible for his acts, he wasn't in his senses. Doctors can resolve it.
I can't blame him...but yes, life is unfair!
I can blame the way countries are ruled...we talked about these things at the university with the teachers, how dangerous these people are and they do walk among us.
Now because of this major crisis, some mental disorder institutes are being canceled..more crazy people on the streets.. I do feel sorry for them, they need help but this is not the way to handle a crisis.
I heard in Japan they teach marketing in elementary schools...they say that's the future, that's what they should concentrate on.
That's one of the reasons why it's developing so well the country, because they teach what's necessary, what's the future, not all the crap that kids aren't interested at all.
I don't know about marketing, but I do know that they should teach in every school a little of psychology and health care..just basics at least, so that kid can understand why he is feeling some things.
Because technology, physics, biology are important, but in life..we are human, we feel. We should be able to understand that and not to repress our feelings, because that's what we all do.
Because it's easier.
Why should we stand out and shout how we feel? when we can get a no for an answer and that's dreadful for the ego. Or why to even recognize for ourselves that we loved that person we say we hate? That's vulnerability and we don't need that, because then we can get hurt and who wants pain?
Might as well be cowards.. it's easier..;)
One thing I can tell I experienced: cowardness will never lead to a great and fulfilled life.
Life becomes interesting when we step out of our comfort zone.
I'm sorry for the people, for the way politicians and the government and the media is controlling us..or at least trying to. People should have the right to know things in order to live a happy life.
Things they teach us, not to learn it on the streets and become soo tough that we'll be marked for a lifetime. Or to have parents to who we barely speak and say: they will never understand me..
They should learn that parents never desire bad thing to their kids, they want to protect them...
But some parents should learn to talk and communicate, to understand their kids more, to just give a hand and not judge.
And growing up on the streets..well if they would teach psychology normally in schools, they could understand that they are not the responsible if they're parents went on a bad road, that they are special and they can still become great people.
And so on..these are just two examples.
Life is not fair, but don't let others lead you. Step up and lead others.. Always choose the right path!
Someone very dear to me and I, we did a good thing today, we helped someone who needed us..
My friend..well, at first he didn't care. But I said to him "you did today something really appreciable. You helped him. That was very sweet and generous of you." And then something changed. He realized it, that made him happy too.
Try to be happy! Try to smile...just once..once a day! :)

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