Dance for life!
I was talking a lot about people and how they feel, who they want to be or how they should be. :)
I don't think I have the right to do that, being as human as they are. I can't judge others, for I am not perfect at all. But I certainly hope, some people get the message I wanted to share. :)
But there is another side when it comes to feelings :D
And it's through dancing. I could quote a million sentences about dancing and that feeling it gives, but instead I'm going to share my thoughts.

When I was 4 my parents took me to take dancing classes. As they say I was really good and the teacher who ,btw was a very severe one, really pushed me, really expected so much of me. It was crazy... But I loved ballroom dancing just as much as I love it now. Unfortunately I had a little surgery at the age of 9 and I had to stop doing it on a professional level. I actually never stopped, continued hip hop, modern and everything I felt I wanted, but I am not allowed to push myself too hard, so no competitions for me.
Every time I see some very talented people dance...great tv shows, I just fall for it over and over again.

Dance is an art. Drawing, music, painting, photography, creating...Art.
There are two kinds of people: those who accept art, but don't care and those, who connect with it, create it and get inspired by it.
Why I love dancing? :)
People are judgmental. They look at you, speak to you and rapidly form an opinion of you. And as hard as I tried to show my real self, somehow people confuse me with someone I'm really not.
But when I dance I feel like there are sides of me, feelings in me, that I can only express through dance. Dance shows all kinds of feelings.
It's all in the type of dance you're doing. If you want to do a rough routine turning into a soft one by a few moves, you can. You express it all: do it fast, feel the excitement, always trying hard for originality, expressing personality, taking risk, trying to be humorous. A number of things that can't be judged otherwise than you show it. To me dancing has a calming power. I've seen so many talented people I admire and they all make such great qualities come to surface through dancing.
There was this guy I saw on TV, he was an orphan, his parents died and his grandmother didn't have the money to raise him and his brother, so she had to take them to an orphanage, practically they were raised on the streets. He learned dancing there, got into a talent show and he really outdid himself. Dance saved his life, he's successful, and he inspired many people's lives to do better and more.
Really kind story.
And I never knew I can fall in love with dance more than I was, until I went to this event in Hungary.
It was a ballroom dancing show with special guests world champions: Slavik Kryklyvyy and Hanna Karttunen. I was impressed to see them live. But when they started the rumba...
I think if there was a person in that salon, who didn't have tears in their eyes, they don't have a heart! Seriously! I've never experienced something like that before. It was perfection and gentleness. Care and hard work.. And now I know what big difference does it make to see it live or on TV. You can't compare.

The reason why I'm sad, it's because there are very few people here, who care for arts, who care enough to do the best with any possible talent they might have. They are more preoccupied with what other people are going to say about them, about being the coolest in the zone, or make all the money in the world so they can shine off... And it's sad that's all to it for them in life. Or they're just afraid to show their real selves.

And, how can anyone live without music? :X
I would go insane, literally. Music is an outburst of the soul, dance is called vertical sex. :)) Well... it for sure is thing I really love about it.
In the past few years, I can say I really got connected to music in a way I never knew I could, so many genres. I felt the rhythm beating in my body..some songs are just about the rhythm...I understood music I hated before. Thank you! And it takes takes my feet dancing to it since, fills my heart with emotion and energy.
We never chose to live, but it was given to us.
Throughout time people created...and all those creations give beauty to the world. Those creations sometimes make our lives easier. Either by a mechanical creation, we live more comfortable, either by music or any creation that can bring us joy. Joy takes away stress and that minimizes the chance of illnesses.
They don't say it in vain: Dance, like no one is watching
Love, like you'll never be hurt
Sing, like no one is listening
Live, like it's heaven on earth..
Make every moment memorable and give your best, fearless!! Fear stops us from doing most of the things we'd like. Be your own boss, don't let fear control you.
We are here because all the creators looked past their fears and took a risk.
Like me right now. ;)) I never wanted to show my posts to anyone thinking who is interested at all? But my friends encouraged me.
This became a part of me, a part of who I'm growing to be.
And all this I can thank to my family and to all of my wonderful friends, who are there for me...
Some are old friends, but with much value! Some are newer, but they all are great!
They dance through life with me :D
I've never choose to live, but I certainly am grateful for it. :)

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