Life... I am alive! I feel alive!
Yesterday I was sitting at a class. They were teaching about how to do our work right, how to be a good pharmacist. I never knew it has so many responsibilities. It's like being a doctor or pharmacist is much more than a job. It's a way of life. You really have to care, to always want the best for people that you don't even know, cause otherwise you can even destroy their lives.
On this class I was thinking about life, that maybe I'm too young to understand a lot of things. Being young is really fun, it's full of beauty and lots of sweet memories. (Btw for which I'm so grateful for the people who gave them to me, for those who play or played a part of my life :) ) But this world is so big with so many people in it, so many chances, so many ways from which to choose the best for us.

While you're young you like to make a drama out of everything, you put your heart into the things you do, the people you like. Then time passes and all the thing you've done don't seem so big any more.
There are things I still can't understand. But life is long, hopefully, and I really hope I'll get all the answers I need.
I just know that we have the internet. You can find anything you want there. All the information you need, all the fun you'd want, absolutely everything. Life is made to be easy on us. There are books, schools teaching us how to use our heads right, that our mind is our teammate not our opponents, how to take control over our feelings.
Still, people can't control their feelings the way they would want to, they make mistakes, even if they know it's a mistake and they know what they should do, but they just don't do it, because of fear or something else.
The only things we really can't control is our future and our luck. Although luck and destiny can be relative. Some say luck is something you can control, as well as your own destiny....with your thoughts and attitude towards life.
I don't even know why I write....?!
Cause you can find almost anywhere answer to questions like "how to live life happily forever". There's no need for me to write parts that I think I've understood. Many people know much more than I do. And there are those things that I can just imagine how they would feel, because I haven't experienced them yet.
And with time, I feel I'm being more experienced, but then again I can't go back in time to not make the silly mistakes I've made and could have avoided with these experiences. `
When I was in high school I had a lot of fun. I was curious how the world works, how some feelings feel, that I've only saw in TV until then. Some friends of mine had fun next to me, some of them realized this in the university, that they need to have fun, cause now is the time they're still young. I haven't felt the need to move to a different city or go from night to night to party or try out every guy I looked at, but that's me. We're all different and unique.
People don't think of death. Everybody thinks we're gonna get old and die. Sadly, I think some of us are in that lucky situation. Not everyone gets there, not everybody gets a chance to live a full life. And if we start thinking of this, we get scared. We have to accept death. That one die it will come.
And this is how I'm trying to live my life: life is short, it has been demonstrated a thousand times. So as long as I can breath and as long as my heart is beating I am trying to do most I can with my life. I want to experience things, I want to have a job and be the best in what I do, to life a full life, because a life with no purposes or dreams is an empty one. We are born
once, we have one life, we can't just play with it and we most certainly can't take it away. We shouldn't even have the right to be sad or miserable, we shouldn't cry, because with every such moment we lose a moment we could have spent with joy.
It's nice when you get a second chance at things, but with life, there is just one chance.
Maybe if more people would actually think it through a bit and realize it, they wouldn't treat others bad, they would fight more for their dreams.
People in this world are full or pride. Because of it they lose so much. Mostly in love. I see on profiles girls writing bunch of stuff how are men, how they're "so fine, like I'm the sexiest" quotes , why girls "don't give a damn".. guys who "like them bitches"'s all pride and fear of getting hurt (again).Or my favorite(!) : men and their hobbies, which can take most of their time. Easy way not to deal with other problems they might have, like actually taking responsibility towards their family or miserable love life or other problems they might avoid this way.
Men want relationships as much as women do. Nobody will admit it though. We're human, we need love. I hate that nobody has the courage to stand up and say to your face what they truly want.
I'm happy. :) I have friends others would just dream of, I have parents who love me, give me all they can and all these things I usually write down, I know. It just would be nice if others would know it too. I write because if I can change one persons thinking or at least to make him/her reconsider about right or wrong, nice or hurtful things then I'd be happy. :)
Don't forget: now you might have all that you do, but what goes around, comes around.
PS.: Before you say I'm so naive and sweet for believing, it's not about that. I see how the world goes. I know... I just like to speak what's on my mind.

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