If you want to be happy, be!
One of these days my status was: "Sooo happy!!! "
I wrote it, because I feel that way.
Surprisingly...a lot of people started asking me "why"? "What's the reason of my happiness?"
And I asked them: do I need a reason to be happy?!
I mean, I thought that when you're sad, they ask you, cause it's not the right thing. But being happy is odd to a big number of people (in the past it was to me too).
I told to some of them, that I have only one life and happiness is a way of life, not a state of emotion that we long for. At least it shouldn't be.
Some told me, that it's a great way of thinking and he hadn't heard this from most people, how cool.
Some said, that I've made their day, cause now they feel happy too.
And some asked me, that do I have no problems in life and that's my reason for happiness?
The truth is I do have problems like all of us. Thanks to God at the moment none of greater importance.
People always do things cause they want to be happy. They want to achieve something, so that they can be happy.
Of course, underneath it all, they feel a frustration. Let's face it! Who is willing to fight for it's dream? Everyone is longing for stability, security, comfort. They are not willing to risc or to fight with hard work. I know luxury and everything in the world is made for our own comfort. But this way we forget that if we truly want something that requires hard work.
Happiness can be achieved as a lifestyle, when you face ALL your fears: rationals, emotionals ( By emotional I mean, that I would like to see how many of you would speak loudly of his/her feelings for someone, when the fear of rejection is present. Cause this means to be grown up emotionally: taking responsibility for you feelings, resolving them, then leaving behind the past loves to be able to give heart and soul in a new one. It's just as important as growing mentally, rationally) .

You can say I'm talking crazy things, but I'm actually just making a resume of a balanced life. Cause nowadays I don't see much of that.
You can read about this in many books.
And not magazines! Or TV adds! The media is telling lies, using manipulation to get a certain category of people (those who seek their security at other people, they need reassurance from others, commercials etc. cause they have the fear of taking their lives in their own hands-a.k.a. the majority of people). It's all about marketing.

Concentrate on what makes you happy. Music makes me happy. It sets me free, makes my day more beautiful, happier.
Find yourself, find what makes you happy and don't be afraid to go after your dream.
Just know, that pursuing a dream need responsibility and hard work. It needs emotional and rational balance. Oh, and to leave a bit of that stubborness.
Don't expect to live happy without working for it.
I talked to people, who say that they have money and money gets you to anything. It's true, that most things in life you can buy with money. But you can't buy a happy life! You might buy a house, but you won't have a home. You might have a partner and a child, but you won't have a family. You have to work for this. Happiness sets you free!!! Seek freedom and become captive of your desires.
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