"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."

Maybe some truths aren't meant to be known... At least this is what I see in the world.
I have a really bad feature..I hate lies! I can hardly tolerate it, especially said behind my back. A friend can really lose my trust that way. :)
Perhaps I was raised this way, I don't know. But I like it much more when someone tells you the truth, no matter how harsh or hurtful that might be. Life is not always happy! Pain is a part of it as well. Deal with it and move on.
People lie...sometimes to protect someone from being hurt or mostly because that way they can escape from assuming responsibility for their acts or their weaknesses.
And there is also when you just "don't say anything"..well..if you ask me...not saying the truth is equal with a lie.
Not that it would be any news for anyone..a lie is a common thing.
What I wanted to talk about, was actually possessions.

I made a mistake for a very long time and men made it with me.
In schools they don't teach how to handle or control our feelings, so we all improvise. :)
But the truth is men are very possessive. They want the woman, they want to be everything in her life. And if they don't get to be the first or last...they don't feel special.
Which, btw I think it's stupid. Possessiveness is stupid. You don't have to be first or last to be special. It's the way you made others feel, that will be remembered. If you made her/him feel special...that will be remembered! :)
While we are still young, we like a boy or a girl. We want him...as he wants us. Then there comes the relationship. And boom..it's like when you're getting married, but at the bachelor party your friends act as if they were going the next day to your funeral.
Same mistake. The problem is not with marriage or relationships.
The problem..as I see..has to do with possessiveness. Jealousy is totally another things. That comes from low self-esteem.
We all need our space...our own little intimate space. Where we can be us, the person I've got to know, I've got to be during my years.
When you improve yourself, you become that someone you want to be..or close to that, you have to take care to never lose that. So we need our space.
But when you're in a relationship you feel that you know the other sometimes even more than you know yourself. And that is true, but even if you're a couple and you do soo many things together, there is you and me: two different people, who have a lot to share, but are different individuals.
So trust each other and give to one another space... Cause no matter how much you love someone, you don't have control over they're lives. You have control over your life, over your own happiness, but do not try to control others.
Life is not complicated, we complicate it! :)

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