Wake up!!!!

Hmm.. this world goes round and round...and what do we see..? A loot of crap;)
As I speak to some acquaintances hmm..all girls want to be models or dancers...Their self-esteem is soo low, they need to put a dozen of make up and interesting clothes, cause they think if men see them with the lipstick, that they bought from L'Oreal or use the cream for some famous commercial, guys would consider them prettier. (Of course let's not confuse them with a real woman. You know..those who live by the saying "In a healthy body a healthy soul")
Well let me tell you, that a real man, that appreciates a woman and respects them (very few of those btw ;) ) doesn't need to see all that. I'm not denying, I've tried a few things myself (modeling, tons of make up etc.). But all that doesn't worth anything, if all you are is empty inside!! And those people have no idea probably what it means to love someone, not for his bank account or his car.
There is the problem of confusing femininity with bitchy.
Sadly, it's hard to see the difference. But believe me, there is! That's why it's not good to have prejudice.
What is important to have around you: people who love you for who you are! Who appreciate you and you give back to them as well. Many people would laugh at this, but I guess they never were so fortunate to experience sincere feelings.
A few days ago a friend told me that being single with a lot of girls is much more better than when he was with one girl. But today he admited that when you truly love someone, you'll remember them! :) Even if you're a man and your pride is so high that you would hate admiting it for yourself!
It's sad, that I can read already: specialist, psychiatrists say that they have noo idea what will be in the next generations. How screwd up kids are we going to raise, if we don't raise them well?
You might think I'm old fashioned. Suit yourself. You don' have to agree with anything I write.
It's not so easy to be who you want to be.
But at least give it a try!!

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