Love with your head..Follow your heart...Make time for life...

Love with your head!

Usually love takes your mind, rushes your heartbeat, makes you behave the way you never thought you could. Love makes you do stupid things.
At least in the old days it was described like that. Nowadays the more books you read, the more you try to find a right answer, they advice you, that the best way to love is....with your head. To love someone, feel for him, but not to lose your head. To choose that person carefully, if you don't want to make the same mistakes again.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing.. it's actually the right thing to do, but somehow the real feelings, the real emotions get in the background this way.
Now we are careful, the world is more dangerous day by day. But who "saved" us, when we were young, when we had no idea, who that other person was and we still fell without even thinking?! Who took care of us back then? I don't know about men, but women have their intuition. That is a powerful tool and it's never wrong!

Follow your heart!

"Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is. At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their Personal Legend. "
Paulo Coelho

I agree, that everyone has a destiny, a path to follow. But I also know, that You make your own future! And in my opinion, that "mysterious force"'s called: doubt....
People have doubts all the time...the fear of not being able to do something, or sometimes they are afraid to even dream of something, because it seems to high to reach for...
Doubt is a negative are attracting something, that you are not sure of, and negativity never had a good side.
If people wouldn't doubt, that they could do some things, in most of the cases they would succeed getting it, because they would concentrate on their goal.
Anyway, this is a very complex matter and a totally different way of thinking, perhaps another time I will get into it.
I recently learned how it's worth to live my life...To love with your head,to be careful, but sometimes loosen up and follow your heart.
We have our path, a destiny. And we make choices that affects our future.
We plan for ourselves,but life makes it a little different..and in those times, you have to listen to what your heart says. You have ONE , single life, make the most of it! So you never have to be sorry!

We make mistakes..we're only human! But you learn from your mistakes and with time you have to make it better.

Make time for life!

People are in a hurry. They have work, responsibilities, families, children...Somehow I don't have a moment for myself - you would say it.

But no life is worth living on the run, on just doing everything like robots. We have to stop and look a moment in the present, not just worry about our future.
The present offers us moments..always take a moment and stop!! You are human, around you there is not only a smoky town but beauty as well. Trees, flowers are blooming...etc. :P
I was the kind of person, who dedicated her life to the people, who were the dearest to her. Her family, friends, but most importantly her boyfriends. I dedicated to just please them, to be the best girlfriend I could be, I even red books to get to know men's way of thinking, I made a lot of sacrifice.. And after a long relationship, I woke up seeing that I became someone I don't even know. I didn't even know what my favorite color was, I lost myself, my personality.
So make time to get to know yourself. It's never too late. And the world is full of surprises, places to go, things to see. And those who say I'm wrong, haven't experienced the beauty of life yet.
Make time to feel, to think, to learn, to be happy.
Life is worth living!
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