When a woman loves...
"To really love a woman, to understand her,
you've got to know her deep inside.
Hear every thought, see every dream and give her wings,
when she wants to fly.
And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms,
you know you really love a woman"
Bryan Adams

Well, this is all sweet and nice..but we know that in our days, you cannot find men like this. And maybe women neither.
Although I do still know some, who can love and are willing, but they just can't find the right man. Their time will come soon:)
Anyway...I think i just wanted to say that sometimes a woman puts up with too much...I mean, who can be a gorgeous woman, take care of a child(or children) manage housekeeping, have a carrier and also satisfy his husband in all his necessities. It's impossible. And if she doesn't manage all of this, it's a chance to lose the man she loves.
There is a story...there was this woman, who gave her best years to the man she loved. She tried so hard to give him everything he needs, she didn't realise she wasn't getting all the love she deserved.
All she wanted from him, was for him to hold her at night, to make his silly jokes, appreciate her and make her a part of his life. But this guy was a little selfish, but he loved her as well, though he never showed.
The woman guided him, took care for him not to make a wrong move, she was always there for him in sickness and in health, because he was the most important to her. They were great together, but the guy still loved himself a little bit more. He always had everything and never knew what it means to lose something important....until he lost her...No one recognized him afterwards. He was sad, depressed, didn't respect any woman, he was pretending it's all o.k., but deep inside, he coulnd't get through the pain of losing her, because that was when he realised the part she had in his life.

When woman truly love, they know that feeling, that love, that caring for a man, that a man usually realises after losing her. So, when you find your woman, make sure, you appreciate what she has inside,as well as on the outside. A woman is beautiful, when she is in love.
Yes, there are those little...skunks...too. Who will never take a man seriously, and they don't need love, just material wealth. Sometimes a man sees those first,falls like a little boy and he gets a wound, that hardly can be healed.
All I can say, that this world is huge, with all kinds of people in it. But never deny the chance to feel again, because of one woman. People say they don't need love..they say it, but they don't mean it. Deep down we all want something beautiful, because we are human with soul and spirit. And we have to nurture our spirit, grow our love towards people, good, beauty. This way we can become better persons.

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