Take your life in your hands.
This morning when I woke up, I had a thousand ideas and now words don't come so easy anymore. Mostly all the ideas came from a few books I've read, that I think it's good to know. Simple truths. :)
The world is becoming a place where it's almost sad to be. You can see millions of people working day by day just to survive and it's hard to find peace, quiet or even having fun.
Some people aren't as lucky to have even what we have. On the other side, well.. another kind of people: conceited, stubborn as hell, spoiled. Oh, and these features are pretty common nowadays.
And people don't take responsibility for their acts. And I'm not talking about teenagers only. But adults, who rather put the blame on others, or they make a mistake (cause after all we are human, right?) and just deny it. The problem of responsibility is fear. In our society we are expected to do our best, they expect perfection. And people sometimes because of money, because of reputation, or just to be able to prove that they are not less than the others, try to correspond to perfection. If they make a mistake, because of the fear that you failed perfection they hide behind various lies, instead of just accepting that we're human and make mistakes and face the truth.
But they can't! The main cause why people don't take responsibility is because they think they're Gods. No one will ever admit this, but it's true. We even fool ourselves sometimes. We make mistakes, then either we admit it to others (that's taking responsibility) either we admit it only to ourselves. Or we self deny it.
Either ways, the actions we took still have their consequences. What people should learn is that we are made of human. We are not gods to perform miracles or do everything in the right way. I've made my mistakes and fortunately I've realized in time to improve myself and try to take responsibility for my own acts. It wasn't easy at first, but after a few times it's not so scary. :)
Sadly, you see fewer men, and I mean real men! And actually...no women. I mean the kind that acts like a woman, not just looks like one.
But that's another story.

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