If you want it, you can have it! ;)

There was a time, when I said, that no matter what I do, things will never change, because the problem is in me.
I realized how wrong I was. I am not the problem. The way we perceive this world is a problem.
Because nobody ever tells us, that if you think in a more optimistic way, eventually, if you really believe, things WILL change. They don't teach it in school, that you aren't supposed to be stressed (and how to overcome it), they never tell you how to survive a break up, or build up a family. And some of us are lucky from the start, some of us suffer too much.
You have this one life, make sure you see all that's beautiful, feel all that's left to feel, don't close yourself because of a few lighter or greater pain you've experienced in life.
There is a friend of mine, who had suffered because of love. There was a woman in his life, they were happy for a long time and when he wanted more, from the sudden she said the love disappeared, broke up all the memories and left. And now...he doesn't see it, but all that he does is trying to be enough for the woman who doesn't care for him anymore. He's a successful man, has everything he wants besides love, because he is obsessed with the memories, not willing to move on. He doesn't want relationships either. He doesn't want to give his heart to be broken this way again.
I tried to talk to him, but it's just impossible. And sadly he is not the only guy with this kind of problem. Many men go after a such woman in their life, they don't let a new person in, maybe they never truly will. So don't chase idle dreams or impossibles. Move on, because that person who broke it doesn't deserve your tears, doesn't deserve not even a single thought of him/her.
Make your life happy and beautiful, so when you're old, you're stick with the memories. All the good memories.:)

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